Guarantee Email Deliverability Using AutoSPF

Don’t let your emails go undelivered because of the too many DNS lookups error.
Get Auto SPF for FREE
Automatic record flattening for all included domains in the record.
Elimination of duplicated netblocks of all domains.
Real-time SPF flattening, monitored daily.
Constant provider rescanning for changed IP addresses.
Change notifications via webhook.
Additional network authentication.

What Does ‘Too Many DNS Lookups’ Mean?

Your Sender Policy Framework (SPF) authenticates outgoing mail to prevent fraud. It does this by performing Domain Name System (DNS) lookups. The problem is that every system can only perform a maximum of 10 DNS lookups. Every email-sending service you use adds to that number – once it goes past 10, email deliveries start failing.

spf flattening
spf records

How Many Services Send Email on Your Behalf?

If you use a productivity app like Salesforce, it will use up eight of your ten DNS lookup slots. Every single third-party service that has email access adds at least one slot. It’s easy to exceed the ten-lookup limit just using a few third-party services.

What Happens When You Go Over the SPF Limit?

Most email providers don’t provide any warning when users exceed the DNS lookup limit. Emails simply fail to get delivered due to SPF Permerror. Domain authentication stops working. Hackers may be able to gain access to your domain. The lack of error handling means all this can happen right under your nose.

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spf reocrds check

SPF Flattening and Monitoring: How It Works

The solution to getting around the DNS lookup limit is called “SPF flattening.” It involves manually inputting IP addresses into the SPF record, bypassing the need to refer to a DNS lookup table. This process must be monitored and repeated regularly, as third-party service providers can change their addresses whenever they want.

Automatic SPF Flattening: The Perfect Solution

Since SPF flattening is a time-consuming manual process, it’s ripe for automation. AutoSPF makes it possible for email users and domain owners to guarantee email deliverability without having to worry about their DNS lookups or authentication. We maintain a database of the latest flattened records and update them in real-time for our users.

spf records format

How SPF Works

SPF flattening you been looking for

Add New Email Senders with a Single Click

With AutoSPF, you don’t need to modify your DNS records to accommodate new email integrations. Our system offers users a one-click solution for authenticating new email senders. Once we know you’ve added a new sender, we handle the SPF flattening to make sure it authenticates properly.

Don't Overspend For Features You Don't Need

Many SPF compression tools bundle features that you may not need or want and charge a premium for the service. We have one goal, to flatten your SPF and we charge based on consumption.

Will It Work With My Email Service Provider?

Our service is fast, easy, and affordable. We guarantee compatibility with all third-party email service providers. Sign up now and get your SPF records organized in less than ten minutes!

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