Make An Informed Decision With Enterprise Spam Filter Reviews and Ratings
In today’s digital age, the ratio of spam to genuine contents has increased to a great extent, be it spam in the emails or on the websites. Hackers are trying unique ways to get access to sensitive business data. Hence, it becomes imperative for enterprises to protect their employees from such threats. Enterprise spam filtering solutions act as an email spam filter relay, thus providing the necessary protection to both inbound and outbound emails.
What Are Spam Filters?
Enterprise-level spam filters use multi-layered security tools to filter the emails. The filters quarantine the spam emails containing malicious contents or any links to a suspicious website, preventing them from entering the inbox. Cloud-based spam filters are the spam filtering solutions that are hosted on the cloud, rather than on-premises software installation. Despite being based on the cloud, they provide full control to the users for categorizing the emails as genuine and spam. While on-premise filtering solutions offer better control, cloud solutions are better in case of storage issues.
Enterprise Spam Filters Ratings and Reviews
We give SpamTitan an average star rating of 4.5 based on the reviews on
It is an efficient and robust cloud-based spam filter that comes with a variety of useful features and innovative techniques. It controls the flow of emails, cleans them, and also protects against email threats like phishing, malware, besides scanning the inbound and outbound emails.
Comodo Dome
Comodo Dome gets an average star rating of 4.5 based on the reviews on
This solution is an enterprise based spam filter that uses an array of filters, antivirus scanners, and a content analysis engine that prevents malicious contents from entering the network. It uses advanced search options that can help you to search for old emails quickly. It also provides the ability to resend, modify, or delete the quarantined emails directly from the management console.
SolarWinds MSP
SolarWinds MSP (Managed Service Provider) gets an average star rating of 4.5 based on the reviews on
SolarWinds MSP has a range of useful features that can make administrative tasks easier and faster for IT professionals. It uses a combination of 4 antivirus engines so that it can protect from different types of attacks. It identifies the previous spams to provide active inbound spam filtering.
We give Zerospam an average star rating of 5 based on the reviews on
Zerospam provides excellent protection at an affordable cost. Its filters are so powerful that no spam emails by-pass them into the inbox. It also protects against phishing and malware attacks. Their customer support team is very supportive and provides quick resolutions to the issues faced by customers.
Filtering spam emails is essential to prevent phishing, ransomware, and other attacks, which steal sensitive data of the organization. Study the enterprise spam filter reviews and ratings to ensure that you get an efficient, tried-and-tested solution for yourself.
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