Know The Features Of The Best Free Email Forwarding Service
Almost everyone in the world would have email addresses like or, and so on. Of course, there is nothing wrong in that, as these are personal email addresses. However, if you are a business owner or a representative of a business organization, such email addresses look unprofessional. Customers might view the emails with suspicion if they receive a promotional email from such an address. Hence, you need to have a dedicated email address such as Such email addresses are perfect for sending and receiving official emails.
Official email addresses might not be accessible from home or your employees’ mobiles easily, as it could involve specific protocols. Does it mean that you would not be able to access your official emails when not in the office? That is not the case. Domain email forwarding can help you and your staff to receive such official emails to other assigned email addresses. This process is known as an email forwarding service. Most of the free email hosting service providers offer email forwarding services.
What Is Email Forwarding?
In simple terms, the email forwarding is the procedure or operation of re-sending email messages received by one email address to a different one. Email hosting services like Google, Yahoo Mail, Outlook, and others provide some of the best email forwarding services to their customers.
Features Of The Best Free Email Forwarding Service
Various service providers offer such domain email forwarding services. Here are some of the features to look for in the best free email forwarding service.
Free of cost
Some of the best domain email forwarding services are available free of charge or at the most nominal rates.
Maintains privacy
The email forwarding services do not collect any personal or sensitive data from its customers.
Transparent services
Communication should be transparent. The user should know where he/she has directed the emails.
Uses encryption
There are chances of data pilferage during email forwarding. It can prove disastrous to the business organization. The best email forwarding service should use data encryption to secure messages from harm.
Forwarding to multiple recipients
The email forwarding services should be flexible, as it should allow forwarding of the emails to various recipients of the organization.
Protection from phishers and spammers
The ideal domain email forwarding service is one that protects its users from phishing and spamming activity. The security controls should be in place.
Final Words
Domain email forwarding helps the business to receive and access emails at any time and anywhere. It serves to make the company genuinely online, as the customer can get a prompt response to his/her messages. It is an integral part of any online business today.
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