Issues To Look Out For When You Are Going To Merge Office 365 Tenants After A Business Merger Or Acquisition
Many organizations have started switching to office 365 because of the various offers and other useful services it offers. Notably, during mergers and acquisitions, enterprises have to perform office 365 tenant to tenant migration so that they can combine the data from different tenants in one place. In simple words, O365 merging is the process of combining user’s and other business data through the transfer of office 365 subscription to another tenant. The office 365 migration tools make office 365 tenant to tenant migration convenient and offer services which include
- Email migration services like Gmail to Gmail migration.
- Transfer office 365 mailbox to another account.
- Office 365 tenant to tenant migration OneDrive.
- Move domain from one office 365 tenant to another.
Why Is There A Need To Merge Office 365 Tenants?
Office 365 migration tool allows the user
- To combine the mailboxes and consolidate the data of the user without losing any essential information.
- To combine the emails, contacts, tasks, as well as calendars of different tenants.
- To import the CSV directly to the mailboxes and also offers folder options to export a folder list.
- Use the advanced algorithm that assists in combining tasks along with calendars recurrences while performing any activity or task.
Issues Arising When Enterprises Merge Office 365 Tenants
Following are some of the challenges that the user faces while handling multiple office 365 tenants
While operating various tenants by performing office 365 to office 365 migration, using the custom domain in different tenants is not possible. The user needs to detach the domain from the first tenant before adding it to another one. Detaching and repeatedly adding the domain to different tenants breaks the flow of emails, which hampers the organization’s working. It only takes minutes to attach and detach the domain from one tenant to another.
Another issue when you migrate office 365 to office 365 is that there is a change of mailbox identities. Due to the change in permanent or temporary usernames, there can be a change in mailbox identities. In addition to this, the reconfiguration of MS Outlook and other clients also becomes essential. Microsoft does not provide the reassigning facility of the mailbox. The user can have mailboxes from different tenants on the same office 365 database, but there is no reassignment facility.
The office 365 migration services offered by Microsoft do not include password migration. When the organization is using DirSync as well as local AD accounts and also changing the email address together with Microsoft Online Services IDs while migration, there is a need to reset the password, the user will have to update the credential on the devices.
Businesses that need hassle-free continuity of services after a merger or an acquisition can benefit significantly from a dedicated Office 365 migration tool. Before migration, users must also keep a note of these issues and challenges, so that the whole process can be completed smoothly.
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