We are the company that runs the email services for Nettica.com, and I wanted to reach out to you personally and thank you for being a client and to inform you about some upcoming changes to the system.
We have learned a lot in the past few months by listening to your needs and trying to address them. One of the biggest complaint that we have from Nettica customers is that the spam filtering could be improved and that the credits system is not easy to understand. Addressing these issues will be our updates to the way that things work.
In the next a few weeks we are going to be adding additional spam filtering for hosted email accounts and migrating the Front/Gateway, Forwarding and Backup services to a new platform with a new interface.
Who will be affected?
In some way all Nettica inbound mail services will be impacted because of the improved spam filtering. But the biggest impact will be felt by customers utilizing:
Email Front/Gateway
Email Forwarding
Email Backup
These services will be migrated off of the legacy Nettica infrastructure to the DuoCircle platform.
Hosted Email customers, will continue to utilize the Nettica Mail servers and the spam filtering will be improved.
Why are things changing?
DuoCircle.com filters email for tens of thousands of businesses all over the world and with of our large customer base we have better tools in place to support, troubleshoot and debug email problems for messages. The Nettica system while perfect at current levels did not provide the granularity we needed.
After the migration but before we make the changes live you will be able to login and view your account at the updated Admin portal: https://admin.www.duocircle.com/
If you have hosted email this will remain unchanged and still can be accessed via the current portal: http://nettica.www.duocircle.com/
We offer 24×7 customer support for all of our products. This has been one of the biggest advantages that existing Nettica customers have taken advantage of since DuoCircle began handling the platform.
If you have any questions or concerns during the migration please do not hesitate to contact support at:
Create a ticket here: https://support.duocircle.com
Email us: support@duocircle.com
Phone support: +1855-700-1386
System Status Page – http://status.duocircle.com/
DuoCircle Team