Gmail security requirements for brands and businesses

Gmail security requirements for brands and businesses


Gmail is one of the best email service providers in the world. Gmail has managed to beat all the competition because of its state-of-the-art features and seamless integration with other Google services. With a whopping user base of 1.8 billion, Gmail focuses extensively on security requirements and restrictions in order to enhance user safety and data privacy.


What is the DMARC ‘sp’ Tag for Subdomains?

What is the DMARC ‘sp’ Tag for Subdomains?


Domain owners with multiple subdomains expose their businesses to phishing and spoofing attacks, which underscores the importance of protecting them with DMARC. Generally, domain administrators only deploy SPF, DKIM, and DMARC for the main domains, leaving unsecured subdomains to be the ideal entry points for threat actors. That’s why all your subdomains should have a quarantine or reject policy, with the percentage parameter ideally set to 100.


Child Data Ransom, Hessen Encryption Report, Steganography RAT Deployment – Cybersecurity News [February 26, 2024]

Child Data Ransom, Hessen Encryption Report, Steganography RAT Deployment – Cybersecurity News [February 26, 2024]

Child Data Ransom, Hessen Encryption Report, Steganography RAT Deployment - Cybersecurity News [February 26, 2024]

by Duocircle


We’re back again with the latest in cybersecurity news this week! Join us for a detailed look into the Rhysida ransomware and the Hessen attack to get updates on how you can stay safe. We’ll also share news of the new IDAT loader targeting the Ukrainian Armed Forces, PayPal’s new patent for browser cookie security, and Apple’s latest PQ3 encryption for iMessages. Stay tuned.


FSB Hacking Sanctions, Navy Contractor Cyberattack, NFT Library Vulnerability – Cybersecurity News  [December 04, 2023]

FSB Hacking Sanctions, Navy Contractor Cyberattack, NFT Library Vulnerability – Cybersecurity News [December 04, 2023]



Staying a step ahead of cybercriminals means knowing their tactics and attack methods. Our news bulletin brings you the latest tactics and cybersecurity news to empower you so you can fight back and keep yourselves safe.


Middle East University Emails, Kroll Data Compromise, Email Scams Update – Cybersecurity News [August 28, 2023]

Middle East University Emails, Kroll Data Compromise, Email Scams Update – Cybersecurity News [August 28, 2023]

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Here is a close examination of the latest email security news covering fraud emails, the Kroll cyberattack, the newest email scam in the Middle East, and emails impersonating Dallas Mayor.


Are MortalKombat Ransomware and Tengyun Snake Attacks Emerging Email Threats?

Are MortalKombat Ransomware and Tengyun Snake Attacks Emerging Email Threats?

Listen to this blog post below


Attachment-based malware threats are not dying out, they are now a persistent threat. Researchers discovered a new ransomware threat, MortalKombat, in early 2023 that spreads through phishing emails and targets victims worldwide. MortalKombat and Tengyun Snake are the emerging email threats that made experts wonder whether detection-based approaches are enough today.


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