Ransomware is a violent and deadly form of attack that each year results in the loss of more than a billion dollars to corporations. Six out of every ten virus payloads were ransomware in 2017, with companies being subjected to this form of attack every 40 seconds, on average.

There are many varieties of ransomware – with the number increasing every day the ingenuity of hackers rises to meet the challenge of a more wary business community. But all forms of ransomware follow the same basic pattern: an employee receives an email containing an attachment. This attachment might look like a document, invoice, or other innocent business communication needing action. When the user clicks on the attachment however, a virus runs that encrypts information on the local computer. The user is then greeted with a dialogue box or window informing them that their information is locked, and they must pay a ransom to regain access to it.

Even though a ransomware attack directly affects only the user that opens it, the entire organization can suffer. The challenge is that ransomware attacks grow more sophisticated as corporations become more aware of the problem. Since ransomware is launched via email, defensive strategies must focus on e-mail security. DuoCircle’s Advanced Threat Defense Suite is an effective barrier to all forms of email-based attack, including ransomware.  

Kaspersky Security Bulletin 2016




Advanced Threat Defense Stops Ransomware in its Tracks

DuoCircle’s Advanced Threat Defense is a multi-layered approach to email threat protection that pulls all the features you need together in a single integrated solution to fight malware, ransomware, and phishing attacks. With Advanced Threat Defense, DuoCircle protects your employees (and your entire enterprise) from spam, malware, ransomware, phishing, and malicious attachments. Our sophisticated classification engine detects and defends your entire organization against these threats in real-time, and with the highest possible level of accuracy.

Advanced Threat Defense from DuoCircle provides:

  • Protection from malware and zero-day attacks, with 100% availability.
  • Spam protection that eliminates 99% of all incoming spam with a false positive rate of less than one in ten thousand.
  • Unlimited users and unlimited inbound message volume
  • Email protection services protects against domain name spoofing
  • Blocking of malicious attachments.
  • Real-time activity logs, with access to the security email queue and click reporting
  • Smart Adaptive Quarantine, which puts the burden of sorting spam messages on the sender rather than the recipient.
  • A thirty day backup queue – 30 days of MX backup service included
  • Chat, email and phone support is available 24/7


Don’t Allow Your Corporate Records or Data Be Held for Ransom!

With Advanced Threat Protection from DuoCircle, ransomware attacks like Locky and Cryptolocker are detected and defeated. Every incoming and archived email is scanned, and suspicious attachments are identified using advanced threat detection AI. Attachments are then quarantined to keep the user’s computer (and by extension, your corporate network) from being exposed to the ransomware or other malware.

Advanced Threat Defense offers end to end protection against threats, including the ever-increasing threat of ransomware.

Email-borne attacks include ransomware, phishing, malware, and more, and they are becoming more common and more sophisticated every day. DuoCircle’s Advanced Threat Defense pulls together all the tools your organization needs in a single integrated solution to protect and defend your employees from these threats. Using an intelligent classification engine, we detect and these threats in real-time and defend against them with the highest possible level of accuracy. Ransomware is stopped in its tracks before it can wreak havoc on your network.

To learn more about how DouCircle can stop email-based threats




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