In this age of rampant cyber attack, corporations must take measures to protect themselves. Since 91% of all cyber attacks begin with a phishing email, taking steps to defend against phishing attack might be the single most important aspect of an overall threat defense plan.

Though phishing attacks are most often perpetrated through email, it is becoming more and more common for other vectors such as cloud portal spoofing and mobile application phishing are on the rise. However in the corporate world, email remains the single most vulnerable area of attack for cyber criminals.

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A successful phishing exploit can result in lost productivity, lost of confidence in the security processes of the company, and possibly a loss of reputation that can take years and even millions of dollars to recover. Even when properly trained, employees continue to open email and click on links if they appear to be from a trusted source. Protecting your users from malicious attachments, impersonations and phony websites is critical to your company’s bottom line.

A phishing attack relies on the trust of its victims to spread malware and ransomware, and to gain access to secure information. Other than banking frauds, information theft is one of the most costly for corporations today. What can be done to protect against the threat of phishing?

What can be done?

Most sources stress education as the main defense against the phishing attack. While education is indeed necessary in the fight against cyber-crime in general, despite years of corporate education plans being in place, phishing remains the single most successful means of illicitly gaining access to business assets. People may be aware of the fact that an email could be suspicious and may think twice about opening it, and when users are tested they are often able to spot such things as fake URLs, lack of extended validation on websites, etc. However the real world, social engineering techniques to build urgency and gain trust are used to compel or trick the user into action. Once that action is taken, it is too late.




97% of people are unable to identify phishing emails

The best strategy for preventing phishing attack is two-pronged. Only a combination of training and powerful anti-phishing software can adequately do the job of protecting your business from the persistent threat of phishing attack. One of the simplest and most effective ways to fight phishing on corporate email servers is not to allow such email onto your network in the first place. And if it does bypass the corporate email filtering to at least have a second chance at defending against a malicious click.



Cloud based email protection solutions allow for filtering before emails reach the corporate network.

Such solutions have access to phishing URL information as soon as it is made available, and can simply filter out any email sent from phishing source domains.

The Risk is Real

What about phishing emails that make it into your network? The target for phishing scams might be your entire corporation, but attackers know the best way to get into the corporation is by attacking each of your employees one at a time. The unpleasant fact is that your employees face at least one risky email each and every day. How can you protect against a single employee making a single mistake that might cost your company millions of dollars, particularly when that mistake might be as simple as a single click on a bogus link?

phishing scams



50% of recipients click on phishing links within the first hour of being sent

Since it makes no sense to expect your employees to become information security experts with a knowledge of current phishing scams and still be effective at their jobs, the best approach is to combine traditional spam protection tools with aggressive email phishing protection software. Spam filtering can only go so far: in fact, one common exploit bypasses spam filtering entirely by “sending” email from trusted contacts, and ensuring links are legitimate when they pass through the filtering gateway. Within hours, the links’ content is switched for a harmful payload, and spam protection is thereby completely bypassed.



The only way to guarantee such phishing attempts are thwarted is to make sure your phishing protection checks every link in every email each and every time it is clicked.

Stop Phishing Threats With DuoCircle Link Click Protection

As a part of the Advanced Threat Defense Suite from DuoCircle, Link Click Protection offers world-class defense against weaponized attachments and suspicious links that appear in your employees’ inboxes. These are the two most often seen vectors of phishing attacks. Every link in every email is scanned in real time against multiple URL reputation databases and then again every time the phishing link is clicked, to prevent cases where site content changes between clicks. Unlike Office 365 that uses static lists that refresh periodically, the Phish Protection URL protection is triggered on each click. Your confidential information is protected from users getting phished and your network is secured because users are prevented from introducing malware and viruses onto their systems and into the larger corporate network.

Each time a user clicks on a suspicious link, the user and the system administrator are alerted to the malicious link. By providing instant feedback to users about the threats associated with such links, employees have a higher level of awareness, and a better ability to assess the risks of such email threats. Your entire organization will:

  • Mitigate against the risk of email phishing attacks, spear phishing threats, and whale phishing vulnerabilities without requiring any additional outlay of IT infrastructure or overhead money.
  • Instantly and seamlessly protect users against attacks on any device anywhere, without any interruption of service.
  • Control the email protection service easily through a single unified web-based console as a part of DuoCircle’s Phishing Protection with Advanced Threat Defense.

DuoCircle’s Advanced Threat Defense – Link Click Protection Stops Phishing Attacks

When you are the target of a phishing attack, your organization will be protected:

  • Every URL is scanned against multiple different URL reputation databases, not only the first time it is clicked, but every time. This aggressive level of scanning is the only way to protect your users from both immediate and delayed attack. Sites that are suspicious are blocked, and the user is warned that the site is unsafe.
  • Headers, domain information, and body content are scanned for inconsistencies that could point to an attempt to defraud the recipient through social engineering. Suspicious messages and payload can be quarantined as spam, tagged, or simply rejected before making it to the user’s inbox.
  • Security checks are performed on suspicious attachments before they are cleared fur delivery to your employees.

Your organization’s information is important, and it is vital that it be protected. To learn more about DuoCircle’s Phishing Protection with Advanced Threat Defense, and how it can protect you from phishing attempts.

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